I should have posted this a LONG time ago.
The only way that comments sent to me to appear here will ever appear here from this point on are as edits to my post that they are commenting on, quoting from the commentary or in a comment from me, quoting the comment sent to me from another.
It makes no difference if the comment is praising what I've written or is posted to argue or correct what I've written. I may or may not share negative comments; it depends on the tone and purpose.
While I only announce this now, I decided to do this many months ago when I first discovered that some of the people whose comments I had posted later informed me their comment here had made them the target of hate or harassment on their own blogger page.
If you have a comment that still appears here on my page and wish your comment to also be removed, please contact me ASAP and I will do so.
Still feel free to write to me with commentary and if it is not hate speech, irrelevant ad hominem/personal attack or inflammatory trolling, I'll share as edits or copy paste what you wish to share as I did today with a recent one from Leah after I advised her what was going on. She'd written me to ask why a comment she'd sent hadn’t appeared after nearly a month. When I informed her why I was no longer posting comments, she then asked me to still share what she had said, but please do so in your own post.
This is what inspired me to create and post this "policy" to both explain to others who have submitted comments I've not posted and who wrote to me asking why, or who insulted me for being 'chicken' for not posting their hate speech commentary, and finally to address those who have gone around slandering me, oddly enough, because I wouldn't post their slander about me they sent in comments! Only those people whose comments I removed because they asked me to remove them already knew what was going on before this notice.
If you want to slam me with hate speech or libel, do it on your own pages. I don't claim entitlement to control what others think, believe or say, but I do control what appears here on *my* page. This is a bigot free zone. I speak out against bigots of any sort, but they are clearly not welcome here.
And to those who write with compliments; I am always so very grateful to receive them. You're free to keep them coming :)
I am always very happy to have my ego stroked with a compliment but I don't need to put it out there for all to see to risk making anyone else a target of the bigots I speak out against. My ego isn't *that* big or fragile that I need to have your compliments posted there for others to see, it's well enough to know personally that I've helped and I've thanked each of you personally who have written to compliment me.
Not every unpublished comment is about a controversial topic or one involving bigotry. I didn't even post comments I've received about the mother in law's tongue blooms, an apparently popular entry when people search for a photo online asking if they bloom. Apparently, that photo draws attention to my blog on a regular basis and I get notes and comments asking me about my plant and how I get it to bloom. I answer that I keep it outside half the year on the eastern side of my house where it gets good morning sunshine and water it when the soil is dry and that's it. I've had to repot it since the photo was taken and it is now almost twice the size, but it still blooms.
If you have commentary you want to share here to be seen, especially if it adds relevant content to the topic at hand, I'll post it if it doesn't violate the guidelines I've listed above, but will post as I've indicated above.
Whatever screen name you wish to be used I'll use, but I will not have it posted in a manner they can link directly to your page.
Home Sweet Home

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